Sometimes you just can’t handle everything on your own when you’re moving. We’ll happily transport your items especially the heavy ones for you from one location to another as part of our service.e.g pianos, light industrial items (household appliances, refrigerator, freezers, TVs, washers, dryers, light hot tubs) and moving pool tables

Moving large specialty items by yourself can be a very difficult task to undertake, especially if your items are heavy. Performing moves without professionals can cause more harm than good, and it can, ultimately, slow down your moving process due to the extra damage that you created. At Regal, we have you covered. We move specialty household items to make sure the work on you is minimized during your moving experience. We can move the following household specialty items to make your moving experience an enjoyable one:

  1. Pianos
  2. Statues
  3. Pool tables
  4. Safes
  5. Couches
  6. Grand Father Clocks
Light industrial items including:
  1. Household Appliances
  2. Refrigerators
  3. Freezers
  4. TVs
  5. Washers
  6. Dryers
  7. Light Hot Tubs